Pentax Optio RZ18 är en kompaktkamera med hela 18x optisk zoom. Kameran klarar det flesta situationer allt från resor och landskapsfotografering till sport och makrofotografering. Optio RZ18 är utrustad med en 16 megapixlars CCD sensor, LCD skärm på 3 tum med 460,000 pixlar och filmar HD-video i 720p.


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Pentax Optio RZ18 är en kompaktkamera med hela 18x optisk zoom. Kameran klarar det flesta situationer allt från resor och landskapsfotografering till sport och makrofotografering. Optio RZ18 är utrustad med en 16 megapixlars CCD sensor, LCD skärm på 3 … 2012-05-17 Pentax Optio RZ18 Lens Extended The Pentax Optio RZ18 was announced in September 2011 and is available in a range of three colours including classic black, pearl white and metallic orange Pentax Optio RZ18 Black Operating Manual • The monitor may respond more slowly at low temperatures. This is due to liquid crystal properties, and is not a • Do not use the supplied battery charger (D-BC92) to charge batteries other than the rechargeable lithium-ion battery • The flash does not Free Download Pentax Optio RZ18 PDF User Manual, User Guide, Instructions, Pentax Optio RZ18 Owner's Manual.

4 Produkter i Pentax Optio RZ18 : 16Gb Minneskort f. Pentax Optio RZ18. Minnesutbyggnad f. digitalkamera, SDHC Class 4 - Kapacitet: 16 GB Mått:

Product Information Achieve sharp photographs with the Pentax Optio RZ18. The new Pentax Optio RZ18 serves up a big zoom (18x) in a small package. Pentax announces the new Optio RZ18 compact megazoom in a surprisingly trim body.

Pentax optio rz18

The Pentax Optio RZ18 is a compact superzoom camera with 18x zoom lens. It combines a very flexible zoom range (25-450mm equivalent) with a 16MP image stabilized CCD sensor. It also features a 460,000 dot LCD and can shoot 720p HD video at 30 frames per second.

Pentax optio rz18

RZ18 har även bildstablisering och  Optio MX · Pentax Optio MX4 · Pentax Optio NB1000 · Pentax Optio P70 · Pentax Optio P80 · Pentax Optio RS1000 · Pentax Optio RZ 10 · Pentax Optio RZ18 En som kan lite mer får gärna säga sitt! Gå till inlägget.

Pentax optio rz18

The Pentax Optio RZ18 compact digital camera measures 10.5x6x3.5cm, the last figure can increase by as much as a further 5cm when fully zoomed in. It weights 190grams. This is certainly not another small digital camera the MP size can be up to 16MP but the real star is the 18x optical zoom.. The still capture sizes are 16MP, 12MP 1:1, 12MP 16:9, 7MP, 2MP 16:9 and 640x480.
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While we're not so sure about the ultra-compact bit -- it's larger than the Canon IXUS 230 HS and Casio Exilim ZS10, Pentax Optio RZ18 - digital camera. Key Features and Benefits: 18X zoom Generous 18X zoom (equivalent to 25-450 mm) with extra wide angle lens captures subjects near and far. 16 megapixels High resolution 16-megapixel sensor is designed for large prints or aggressive image cropping. The Pentax Optio RZ18 is a compact superzoom camera with 18x zoom lens.

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Total Price Tax Shipping Store In Stock $209 D-Li92 USB Charger for Pentax Optio I-10, Optio RZ10, Optio RZ10 Lime, Optio RZ10 Violet, Optio RZ18, Optio WG-1, Optio WG-1 GPS, Optio WG-2, Optio WG-2 GPS, WG-10, WG-3, WG-3 GPS, X70 Camera Battery 4.1 out of 5 stars 21 Pentax Optio RZ18: A big, sharp 18x zoom lens at an incredible price, but only consider it if you're not interested in video or low-light photography The Pentax Optio RZ10 is a new travel-zoom compact digital camera sporting a wide-angle 10x zoom lens. Offering a versatile focal range of 28-280mm, the Pentax RZ10 also features a 14 megapixel sensor, Dual Shake Reduction system, 2.7 inch LCD screen, 720p HD movie recording, 1cm macro mode, range of digital filters and an Auto Picture Mode. Pentax Optio free download - Optio TKA, Optio Express, Optio Dentistry, and many more programs Find out all pros and cons of Pentax Optio RZ18 camera easily with the list of full specification.