List of visiting addresses and contact details for Stockholm University. Postal address: Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address. Swedish Institute Virkesvägen 2 120 30 Stockholm +46-8-453 7800 Billing address.
Edu-id is a national service that ensures your identity in a similar way to Bank-id. Create your user account with Edu-id (choose "Edu-id") Visiting address. Swedish Institute Virkesvägen 2 120 30 Stockholm +46-8-453 7800 Billing address.; If you have a Swedish personal ID number (yymmdd-xxxx) and are a confirmed user on you can verify yourself using that account. If you have questions about your account, you can contact them via chat or email. More information is available at
SE-551 11 Jönköping. Visiting address: Gjuterigatan 5. Phone The Statement of Intent should be uploaded at 4000 characters (including spaces, but excluding headline, name and e-mail address).
with an eduID account. For students with accounts on Page manager Published: Mon 14 Dec 2020. × is the site where you apply to study at Uppsala University or another university or a university college in Sweden. Please note that you must have a confirmed user on to activate your user account at Uppsala University using
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This means that students can apply for courses and programmes at all higher education institutions through the same application via All documents must be submitted according to the instructions at and/or If you are unsure of what documents to submit, please read above under "Entry requirements" and "Selection". We will not consider or review any letters of recommendation, and please do not forget to submit your Statement of Intent.
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PostNord Strålfors University Admissions in Sweden Västberga Allé 36D 5tr SE-126 30 Hägersten Sweden has 10,215 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 1,226 USD per month by showing ads. See traffic statistics for more information.
Postal address: Musikhögskolan i Malmö Box 8203 200 41 Malmö Sweden. Visit/delivery: Ystadvägen 25, 214 45 Malmö.
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When you log in to and enter the one time passcode your account will be confirmed. Edu-id allows you to verify your identity using your mobile phone or a verification code sent to the address where you are registered. This method requires you to have a Swedish personal ID number. Edu-id is a national service that ensures your identity in a similar way to Bank-id.
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Documents sent using the postal service or registered mail to this address will not reach us. PostNord Strålfors AB Att: University Admissions in Sweden Järngatan 11 Kaj 21-25 SE-195 95 Rosersberg Send us an email. You're welcome to send us an email if you couldn't find the answer you were looking for. Enter your information in the fields below.