Duality Games is a game development studio based in Warsaw. Company (Alive / Active). All investors data 1 Investors. FundedByMe. Phone 


About Dreams. Saving is just the beginning. We’re now helping over 460 000+ Swedes and Norwegians gain even greater control of their finances, with smarter …

See jobs Follow. View all 26 employees Step 1. Application. The first step in the crowdfunding process is getting a good application submitted to the FundedByMe team. Written by Joachim Dworén.

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As a member of the product team you’ll be given the opportunity to make meaningful improvements impacting how people interact on FundedByMe.com and help pioneer user interaction best practices for crowdfunding on web and … Anyone living outside the US can invest in companies on FundedByMe. Due to legislation in the US we are not currently allowing US investors to participate in equity crowdfunding on FundedByMe. However, this barrier could be overcome if the US investor signed a disclaimer and proved that they were an accredited investor, according to the US legislation on crowdfunding called the JOBS Act . About Dreams.

för 7 dagar sedan — investerare kan investera i privata startföretag, som en viktig del av JOBS FundedByMe; Tjäna pengar på crowdfunding: Investera 

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av J Wellenstam · 2018 — FundedByMe Crowdfunding Sweden AB (publ), org.nr. 556871- 1823. JOBS Act. The Jumpstart Our Business Act. LHF. Lag (1991:980) om 

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Updated over a week ago. Step 2. Campaign Creation and Planning.
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FundedByMe är noterat på Nordic Growth Market (NGM) och består av crowdfundingverksamheten FundedByMe, helägda dotterbolaget Laika Consulting och delägda dotterbolaget Feminvest samt delägande i internationella crowdfundingbolag.

Saving is just the beginning. We’re now helping over 460 000+ Swedes and Norwegians gain even greater control of their finances, with smarter … Your grandfather might think having a job is the greatest benefit of having a job, but we know that if you’re anything like a spoiled millennial with a YouTube channel, that’s not good enough. So we'll try and do this right. For starters, we offer you free invoicing for life. All we ask in … Discover jobs at Swedish startups backed by VC's, Accelerators, Incubators and Angel investors. With everything up and running, Thomas oversees the day to day management of the Dota 2 team; Cooking performance enhancing nutritional food twice a day, booking and travelling to tournaments … Go to FundedByMe FundedByMe.