Noun: 1. smattering - a small number or amount; "only a handful of responses were received"
If, in those little schools, the books by which the children are taught to read, were a little more instructive than they commonly are; and if, instead of a little smattering in Latin, which the children of the common people are sometimes taught there, and which can scarce ever be of any use to them, they were instructed in the elementary parts of geometry and mechanics; the literary education
18 sentence examples: 1. I had acquired a smattering of Greek. 2. He only has a smattering of French. 3. I smattered to the computer.
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There is, however, a smattering of clean-cut dentists, engineers and teachers thrown in. 8. There was a smattering of light applause and a barely audible groan from the back. 9. It is dangerous that you have a smattering of superficial knowledge on a subject.
‘The entire trip, spanning a period of 118 days, enabled the couple to pick up a smattering of local languages wherever they went.’ ‘That our small group seemed to be the only foreigners - with barely a smattering of the language between us - in a sea of Russians mattered not at all.’
Dilbilimsel arama motoru Ludwig, İngilizce'yi daha iyi … 2021-4-1 · “Worn Stories” is a show that recognizes the value in having as many of those stories as possible, even if it only lasts a sentence or two. (Case in point: “I contributed to the ugly sweater The responses ranged from ‘I tell them to read the writing and when they breathe that is the end of a sentence’ to ‘the children say a sentence and when they listen to it back they know it is a sentence so they put in a capital letter and a full stop.’ I thought that responses like these didn’t really tell me how sentences were taught. 2021-3-29 · The crime originally got a smattering of attention in the media, but it didn’t quite go national at first. CNN’s first story on the matter came on Saturday.
When the weather gets warm, a smattering of flowers and plants gives your outdoor space a springtime feel. Give advice that matters in one sentence. I got run
Handful. Advertisement Close to Smattering. Smatter. Smack. Smacking. Smattering in Detail.
1A slight superficial knowledge of a language or subject. 'Edward had only a smattering of Welsh'. More example sentences. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Smattering | Smattering Sentence · A smattering is only an aggravation.
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Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: rank each sentence in the document by summing the individual word scores and dividing by the number of tokens in the sentence; extract the top N highest scoring sentences and return them as our "summary" Sounds easy enough, right? But before we can say "voila!," we'll need to figure out how to calculate an "importance" score for words. As we Güvenilir kaynaklardan elde edilen ve “smattering” bağlamı dahilinde açıklamalar ve örnek cümleler gösteren zengin nitelikli sonuçlar. Dilbilimsel arama motoru Ludwig, İngilizce'yi daha iyi … 2021-4-1 · “Worn Stories” is a show that recognizes the value in having as many of those stories as possible, even if it only lasts a sentence or two. (Case in point: “I contributed to the ugly sweater The responses ranged from ‘I tell them to read the writing and when they breathe that is the end of a sentence’ to ‘the children say a sentence and when they listen to it back they know it is a sentence so they put in a capital letter and a full stop.’ I thought that responses like these didn’t really tell me how sentences were taught.
:p *has a smattering of Norwegian and Finnish tho*. Like. Although organized crime had participated in a smattering of stock scams years before, never had "wise guys" actually Sentence by sentence
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The whole list of sentence connectors with examples and visualization! Below, you'll find a smattering of some of my most-used, favorite kitchen items.
[noun] 0 EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB At first, just a smattering of travelers tested positive, triggering work-from-home orders and panicked searches for masks. 900,000 INFECTED. NEARLY 15,000 DEAD. smatterings in a sentence - Use "smatterings" in a sentence 1.
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Smattering Sentence Examples He spoke a smattering of words she didn't understand. At odd hours of lessons she picked up a smattering of Latin, music and natural science, but most days were holidays and spent in country rambles and games with village children.
Shakespeare's Macbeth, Coriolanus and Henry IV) as well as a smattering of minor instrumental Thanks to some quick thinking on feisty Moira's part-and a fair smattering of luck - the three teens manage to elude their Patrinkles Learns to Write a Sentence. It's gorgeous on a sentence level, and the book as a whole was an enjoyable read because of it. That being said, the plot fell a bit short for me--especially near those who could understand a smattering of English, and to get the message to the Icelanders they memorized sentences and concentrated on pronunciation.